Thursday, 8 July 2010

Unbuilding schools

It says something that in the early weeks of the coalition, John Redwood is increasingly being held up as the sensible face of Toryism and he gives a fascinating insight into the problem faced by Michael Gove at the Department of Education, following his apology to the House of Commons yesterday over the BFS (Blatantly Fucking Schools) programme. The problem being that what faces Gove when he looks in the mirror.

Even though Gove made a huge cock-up I will try and spin his fulsome apology as a positive thing and say it was very different to that which would have been given by Ed Balls, if he had still been in the job, even though I can't possibly know that and if Balls had still been in the job the BFS programme would not have been axed in the first place so I am making a petty party political comparison point which is groundless.

Gove's biggest mistake with the BFS list of those schools whose new lick of paint is to be scrapped was that he meant to include far more schools on it. After all, when parents are running their own schools, any Dads (or Mums) who are handy at DIY will be expected to chip in and help at the weekend.

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