Friday 20 August 2010

Blogger massages facts to create sensationalist headline

This comes under the category 'you couldn't make it up'. But I am going to try anyway. A leftie council is to spend nearly £10,000 on ‘learning days’ for councillors throughout 20010/11.

The learning days will involve councillors gaining free access to a host of activities that will enable them to be more effective at their jobs. However, I will highlight hand massages in my headline to try and imply that all the money is going on them.

There is a session on how councillors can learn to tweet (waste of time but I am happy to offer advice. Block anyone you don't agree with or call them a sack of shit) and also further advice sessions on managing blood pressure WHICH MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL.

Why all this money is being spent to help local authorities be more efficient and save money is beyond me.


  1. Do we REALLY have any LEFTIE councils in this country, in this day and age? Harrumph. Anyone who votes for lefties should be taken out and shot.

    Disgusted of Tonbridge Wells

  2. I agree but unfortunately there are still some leftie outposts in Northern places. If we could cut Northern lefties then other public spending decisions would be much easier.
